We will be advancing to Week 1 of Regular Season tonight at 11pm EST. Before this time, make sure you get down to 53 players, otherwise the CPU will cut your guys, and you may or may not be able to get them back.
Also, if you have not already done so, you may pick up to 3 Free Agents (1 from the 1st round, 2 from the 2nd). Some Free Agents will disappear (the low ovr guys) once we advance to Regular Season, so if there is a bum you really want, grab him now. Once we advance to Week 1 of Regular Season, you can take as many FAs as you want.
If you have not already done so, post your contact info here. https://hardcoremaddenchamps.forumotion.com/t5311-master-contact-list-madden-16
We will be keeping track of those that are missing games, and will replace you if you are inactive. You dont have to hang out in the chat all day, but try and get on the website at least a couple times per advance and check out any announcements or other important threads.
Also, there has been a GroupMe Group made, so if you have that, let myself or kingmal know and we can get you added.
If there are any questions regarding rules, procedures, etc... Let someone know and we can help you.